Monday, May 17, 2010


money. most people don't have enough, and almost everyone can't get enough.

i feel like money shouldn't make me happy, even though spending money is a little less than awesome. and its funny to see how money controls people.

my mom is going to kill me when i buy a 50 dollar oscillating tower fan for my room, but I WILL NOT wake up in a pile of sweat AGAIN... fuckin hot in Houston thats for sure. asian parents, what can you do?

lets break down my per weekly costs:
- dance workshops || 20-50
- waffles || 20 - 60
- food (eating out) || 40 - 80
- misc adventures || 20 - 100

so any given week i can spend from 100 to 290 dollars. terrible.

new goal?
come up with free hobbies.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Life is full of pain and struggle, yet most days I find it hard to believe it. So the next time someone asks you how your day was, I'm not going to say "good" "fine" "yeah, alright". How about, "Another day in paradise"? That might help change how others feel, and how I feel myself.